
Archive for inspiration

Musings on the Writing Life

My email in-box is completely over-flowing with “stuff”, but one of the missives I cherish (and always read) is called “Daily Good: News that Inspires”, sent out by the visionary Niphun Meta and a team of all-volunteer angels. Sometimes what they come up with is just too good not to share!

Here one from Parker Palmer musing on the Writing Life.


A Blessing

Looking for “inspiration” – a juicy tidbit to post this morning – I came across this blessing from someone who has inspired me deeply for many years, someone I (like so many others) hold dear to my heart; the late great John O’Donohue.

Here’s John’s blessing, taken from Eternal Echoes: Celtic Reflections on Our Yearning to Belong:

May you listen to your longing to be free.

May the frames of your belonging be large enough for the dreams of your soul.

May you arise each day with a voice of blessing

whispering in your heart that something good is going to happen to you.

May you find a harmony between your soul and your life.

May the mansion of your soul never become a haunted place.

May there be kindness in your gaze when you look within.

May you never place walls between the light and yourself.

May your angel free you from the prisons of guilt, fear, disappointment, and despair.

May you allow the wild beauty of the invisible world to gather you, mind you, and embrace you in belonging.

May it be so, and to John’s beautiful blessing I add the collective prayer that we all “arise each day with a voice of blessing”, and recognize each other and all that lives as part of our sacred circle of belonging.

Friends & Colleagues

These are some of the people and organizations that inspire, touch, warm and support me; people I collaborate with and am proud to call my friends.


Beth Alexander

Steve Borsch: Connecting the Dots

Bridget Brewer

Alan Briskin

Alan Briskin: The Power of Our Collective Wisdom

Kara Brown: Divinely Guided

Pele Chadima & FireHawk Hulin: Resonance

Ashley Cooper: Easily Amazed

Chris Corrigan

Jay Cross

Julie Daly: Unabashedly Female

Benjamin Aaron Degenhart

Bob Dickman & Richard Maxwell: Elements of Persuasion

Brian Duggan: ConferenceBites

Debbie Duggan

Dave Pollard: How to Save the World

Beth Kanter

Craig & Patricia Neal: Heartland Circle

Fletcher Oakes’ PhotoBlog

Howard Rheingold’s vlog

Steve Roberts: CoolMindWarmHeart

David Sibbet

Karen Speerstra: Our Luminous Ground

Gisela Wendling: Liminal Songlines

Nancy White: Full Circle Online Interaction

Patricia Yenawine


Berrett Koehler

Collective Wisdom Initiative

The Power of Collective Wisdom

The Powers of Place Initiative

The World Cafe



Arica Logos
The Arica School
founded by Oscar Ichazo

Visit Heartland Network Community

Visit The World Cafe Community

Visit Powers of Place Field

Visit Berrett-Koehler Community

Harvesting Lightning


This image came at the end of one of those "state of the world" PowerPoint slide-shows that are being emailed around. The material was fairly predictable until this last slide, which I found myself totally enchanted by – an image of ma and pa – two regular folks – harvesting lightning.

I don't know where it came from, so I don't know how to credit it, but there's something so cheerful and matter of fact about this image of harvesting lightning, light-filled bolts of inspiration that are emerging from the cloud-saturated skies of these dark days. Regular people watching for the ideas and dreams that are appearing now, and harvesting them like canned peaches for the winter when they will be most sorely needed; a time that is coming fast upon us now.

Meet you in the root cellar!