
Archive for beauty – Page 13


This year the Oscars seemed to radiate a new, fresh energy. It was exciting to see Al Gore(‘s film crew) and Melissa Etheridge take Oscars for An Inconvenient Truth, and (even though she glowed on the day in jewel-encrusted chiffon), I found it refreshing to read Helen Mirren’s pre-Oscar disdain for the prevailing culture of Oscar Couture critique.

I really wanted  Peter O’Toole to win best actor, because I loved him in Venus (I even reviewed it here when I first saw it) and because it would feel good to send an actor of his caliber off stage with an Oscar, but then when Forest Whitaker took it, I had to change my mind. Even the swiftly-controlled moment of disappointment and resignation on O’Toole’s face did not eclipse my joy hearing Forest’s acceptance speech.

Apparently Whitaker has received a lot of criticism for his lack of verbal polish in the past, but this simple honest moment touched a vibrant chord in me. For those who missed it, the gist of what he said is that the reason he became an actor was because even as a child he believed every person has a light inside them, and he wanted the chance to connect with that light in all of us. Uttering that kind of simplicity and beauty before a billion viewers takes courage, and my heart swelled in pride for him.

Perhaps we’ve turned a corner, and our collective spirit is starting to open up in optimism for a new day. It certainly felt like that to me on Sunday night.

Beauty Walk

I’ve started taking time each day, usually first thing in the morning, to get outside and walk for a half-hour or so with the express purpose of noticing the beauty around me.

I almost always bring my camera, which gives me such a feeling of joy because it allows the astounding beauty I see to be shared with others. Today I was really aware of spring coming…

I was shocked to find I’d almost missed the ornamental cherry blossoms – already the outer petals are starting to turn brown and curl away.


Blue Vase

The digital photography class is coming along brilliantly… here’s one of my favorite exposures from a recent assignment: it’s a blown glass vase my step-son made for me, which makes it particularly beautiful (it looks better against black – check it out in the new photo blog I started for the class).


Light in the Heart


"Beauty is not in the face;
beauty is a light in the heart."

Khalil Gibran, (1883 – 1931)