
Archive for beauty – Page 10

Love Religion

Love is the religion in me.

Whichever way love’s camel goes,
That way becomes my faith,
The source of beauty, and a light

Of sacredness over every thing.

~Ibn Arabi~ Sufi mystic, poet, and spiritual teacher
(see the next page for the full text of this poem)

The Love Religion

The inner space inside
That we call the heart
Has become many different
Living scenes and stories.

A pasture for sleek gazelles,
A monastery for Christian monks,
A temple with Shiva dancing,
A kaaba for pilgrimage

The tablets of Moses are there,
The Qur’an, the Vedas,
The sutras, and the gospels,

Love is the religion in me.
Whichever way love’s camel goes,
That way becomes my faith,
The source of beauty, and a light
Of sacredness over every thing.

~Ibn Arabi~ Sufi mystic, poet, and spiritual teacher


I first learned about Stendhalism when I was in Florence many years ago – in case you’ve never come across the term, it’s a diagnosable psychological syndrome where people pass out, or faint, while experiencing an excess of awe in the face of beauty.


It was named for the French poet Stendhal because purportedly he was so dazed he could barely walk while admiring the beauty of Santa Croce (apparently he wrote eloquently on the subject in his book Naples and Florence: A Journey from Milan to Reggio).

Much of our language around beauty references this beguiling aspect of her nature…  she’s ‘dazzling’, ‘stunning’; we’re ‘mesmerized’, ‘astounded’, ‘dazed’ and ‘amazed’ when we look into the open center of her mystery… 

Sometimes I think this sense of awe, or internal ‘opening’ as I experience it, is close to the very essence of beauty, of what makes something beautiful. But what is it that triggers a blow-out of the senses and an inability to contain that much pleasure, that much beauty?

In a recent conversation I learned about a variation of Stendhalism in Jerusalem – appropriately called the Jerusalem syndrome – where the body’s ‘overwhelm’ response is in reaction to the sense of awe in the presence of spiritual or religious significance.  Apparently the police are fully aware of the syndrome and know how to deal with the many cases a day they encounter from the thousands of Christian, Jewish and Muslim pilgrims who come to this destination, holy to all.

When Rob Brezsny, author of the fascinating Pronoia, reflects on Stendhalism he suggests "Proceed
cautiously as you expose yourself to the splendor that has been
invisible or unavailable to you all these years."

What do you think of all this? What if anything brings you to that place of almost unbearable awe? And how do you deal with it?

Women & Beauty

Being publicly identified with ‘beauty’ as I am through this blog, I have received this video about women and art from more people than I can count… clearly pointing to a link between the female face and beauty that goes back a long long way in our collective history.

I was having a conversation with friends the other day and had a
possible insight about this association – what if we as a culture are
so far removed from the generative healing power of the
feminine (and this is often especially true for men) that we have
projected this vital part
of ourselves, our anima, onto an ideal model of perfection in another?
Perhaps, I mused, that’s what’s behind the deep yearning or ache that
often accompanies  our gaze…

What do you see? Why do you think a woman’s face is so beautiful to us on a culture-wide level?

Servants of Beauty


"It is not a thing, Eden, but a pattern of relationships, made visible in conversation. To live in Eden is to live in the midst of good relations, of just relations scrupulously attended to, imaginatively maintained through time. Altogether we call this beauty."

"We cannot save things. Things pass away. We can only attend to
relationships, to the relationships between things. It is here that we
see the most beautiful images we are capable of apprehending or
imagining – the relationship between a mother and a child, the racket
of sunlight on pooling water, a bird alighting on a limb."

"We need, each according to his or her gifts and by his or her own lights, to be the servants of beauty."

~ Barry Lopez, excerpts from his closing remarks after having experienced a World Café at the Quest for Global Healing conference in Ubud, Bali. Full text here.