
Archive for Writing

Once Upon a Time

I’ve been collaborating with a wonderful woman called Mary Alice Arthur, whose work focuses on the power of Storytelling. She calls herself a Story Activist, and in one of the online courses we co-host she invited everyone to write a fairy tale about their lives.

It was too good an opportunity to miss – I’ve always loved fairy tales – so I decided to try. I thought I didn’t have time, but found I could snatch a few minutes here and there – mostly before getting up in the morning or at night after going to bed – and was delighted to find that I COULD write something I liked, even with very little time dedicated to it.

Here’s what I came up with:

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Musings on the Writing Life

My email in-box is completely over-flowing with “stuff”, but one of the missives I cherish (and always read) is called “Daily Good: News that Inspires”, sent out by the visionary Niphun Meta and a team of all-volunteer angels. Sometimes what they come up with is just too good not to share!

Here one from Parker Palmer musing on the Writing Life.