
Archive for Beauty – Page 28

In this Moment

This last Friday Craig & Patricia Neal from the Minnesota-based Heartland were here for September’s  Thought Leader Gathering, the every-other-monthly invitational event that I help produce with the Neals & Firehawk & Pele of Resonance.

The conversation starter, Mal Warwick of BSR and SVN, was wonderful as each and every one of them have been since we started these evolutionary dialogues back in 1999, but it is immediately clear that the TLG experience goes far beyond the specifics of any given conversation starter.

What is happening at these gatherings is ‘presence’. The TLG calls us
to Presence… to be here, in this moment, with ourselves, with each
other, and within nature.

The methods are deceptively simple, as these things tend to be (after
all, Presence is our natural state), but profoundly effective. How many
of us regularly take the time in our busy lives just to ‘be’ together? To turn off our email and cell phone and tune in to the messages coming from our own inner being? How many of us have the deep pleasure of a community of peers where we have the opportunity to listen deeply to each other. To feel the fundamental connection between us as fellow meaning-seeking creatures, and the inspiration & catalytic impetus we can be to each other as a tribe of humans committed to making a difference in our world?

We sit in circle and speak our words, and listen to the words of others, and all the while alongside this profoundly satisfying level of connection and interaction, something else is happening. Our hearts are opening, and we are experiencing a deeper rhythm, a silent resonance between us. There is a calming of our everyday concerns and a re-alignment with the larger patterns that have a sense and reason that gives meaning and direction to the actions that will arise from our time together.

At the center of these gatherings, quite literally as well a metaphorically, is Beauty. Each time we gather, Firehawk and Pele bring abundant expressions of beauty – candles & fabric, stones or feathers or other ‘medicine’ materials from their cupboards & trunks, and flowers & plants & the all-important clippers with which they bring the outside in – and gather the elements into a beautiful patterm which is laid in a place of honor in the center of our circle. This ‘beauty in the middle’ is our anchor. We don’t have to speak it, it just is. Beauty calls us to presence, and shows us who and what we are at an essential level.

Neighborhood Beauty

Every day while taking my morning walk I am reminded of a plan I once hatched to print up a small pad of paper with a gorgeous image or two & the words ‘In Gratitude’ printed on it…

My plan was to carry it with me so I can leave notes on the doorsteps
of people whose homes &/or gardens have filled me with pleasure,
thanking them for the attention and effort they have spent making their
part of the world a little more beautiful (of course I was planning to
discretely add my url at the bottom, in case they had the urge to
spread their beauty out a little further into the world and might need
my help in doing so – I’m not ENTIRELY immune to the need for marketing

I’m afraid I haven’t manifested my bright idea yet, but in the
meantime I thought I’d publicly express my gratitude
here, this morning.

This house enchanted me from the first time I saw it… the brightly colored simple mural, the luscious green drapes, the whole thing almost obscured from one angle by arches of overgrown vines, tall trees and a rambling porch.

One inhabitant of this house often leaves for work around the time I take my walks so one morning I just stepped up and told him how beautiful I thought his home was, and how good I felt as I walked by each day. He beamed in response, like he was surprised anyone had noticed, and thanked me warmly, leaving me feeling doubly blessed by his generous good nature.

The other day I happened to approach the house from the other direction, and discovered a whole new perspective. Each window on the side of the house displays a slightly different colored drape, each of the hues equally gorgeous… rich deep luscious colors that make you just KNOW the people inside are creative and interesting folks, happy to be part of the day’s inspiration to those around them.


Simple Beauty in Reno

I spent part of this Labor Day weekend in Reno with good friends, sharing a lovely afternoon swimming in the Truckee River in downtown Reno (it’s true!) and hiking in the Sierra’s Lake Basin area.

I also managed a few minutes alone with their beautiful daughter who is off to college this year. She showed me a couple of short films she made from clips & stills she’d taken with her digital camera on trips to Paris and Ashland Oregon.

I was absolutely stunned by her creative ‘eye’, inspired by her
initiative and impressed by the wizards at Apple who had the vision to
package creative tools of this caliber along with their computers…
iMovie rocks!

I’m very excited by the creativity I see coming out of this new
generation, and just felt like expressing my gratitude to all that
nurtures their flowering. I pledge my assistance as a part of this
support network for all my young friends and family. For that matter, I pledge my support for the flowering of creativity in all of us! May it be so!

Neolithic Art

You’ll know if you’ve read any of the World Cafe Stewardship Dialogue blog posts that every morning at this wonderful event was begun in ceremony, with Anne Dosher calling on the eleven directions. I was particularly struck by her evocation to the SW, addressing the Stone People, Guardians of Dreams.

This combination of stones and dreams is meaningful to me partly
because of my attraction & connection to stone circles. One of the
subtleties that most fascinates me about being in the UK & Ireland
is the pervasive presence of neolithic art. I recently blogged a brief
post (with pictures) in my Art & the Environment blog, about the stone art I experienced during my recent trip to those verdant isles.