
Archive for Beauty – Page 23


What would you do if you’d just found out you have a life-threatening illness, and were so weak you needed to rest while your body recovered enough strength to attempt a cure?

This was the situation a friend and colleague of mine faced recently. A visionary who’s been a clear voice in articulating the emergence of collective intelligence in the world, my friend had a remarkable response to this daunting challenge.

He asked that those who love and care for him let him go; that they hold him in a love without attachment, so he is free to discover what is happening to him on a soul level and do whatever is necessary in response.

His response was remarkable to me in at least two ways; one that he had the capability to go beyond his own personal fear & attachments in the face of death and hold to his highest aspirations. Two, I found it remarkable that he had enough confidence in his community to make this request and know it would be understood and granted. The real blessing is that he was right. The strength and clarity of the support that has gathered to hold him in this journey continues to inspire me and give me hope for the ability to transcend fear of death and know liberation.

On this Thanksgiving Day, I humbly give thanks for my friend, and the gift of freedom that in his wisdom he has given all of us whose lives he touches.

Seeded Conversations

I’ve been working on a project with the Collective Wisdom Initiative that really exemplifies the ‘new way of being’ online that I was describing the other day…. and we launched this week.

Seeded Conversations‘ start with short evocative pieces of text or imagery that explore the field of collective wisdom, from which a few specific questions are posed to catalyze a deeper response to the material. The invitation is to listen for the ‘collective thought’ you sense gathering in the pieces themselves and whatever others have added before you… and add your part to the emergent whole.

It’s an experiment in a very different way of engaging online, and I’m excited by the possibilities. If the initiative intrigues you too you’re welcome to come play.



"It is wonderful how nature is a part of us. The sun shines not on us, but in us. The rivers flow not past but through us."
-John Muir

Revealing Luminosity

I’m part of a study group on the work of the Bolivian spiritual philosopher Oscar Ichazo, who founded the mystical school Arica. This week we are studying the introduction to one of his new trainings, on the process of death.

Briefly, in it Ichazo is talking about the Light, or Luminosity that precedes birth, comes into this life with us (only to be largely veiled by our egos and attachments), and is revealed again in the process of death and afterwards. What was particularly interesting to me, though, was a reference he made to Beauty, or the apprehension of what is Beautiful, as being a force strong enough to cut through this veil during our lives, and reveal the Luminosity at the heart of all.

The reference he used was from Plato’s Symposium, where Socrates tells of his initiation into the Light, or Luminosity, by Diotima, the great prophetess & priestess of the Mysteries. She taught him to simply recognize & contemplate the harmony that is within all that can be called the Beautiful. When the internal Harmony of that Beauty is discovered, she says, it gives rise to a state of Love.  "This love", Oscar says, "having become the actual manifestation of the Beautiful, is in a position of purity, and from this position, it is possible to understand the Luminosity of the Good that is beyond existence and nonexistence …"