
Archive for Art – Page 14

Art & Nature & Ritual

I love the energy of creativity, and I have a particular love for
what happens when a group starts linking in to that energy together.

also passionate about the natural world… stones and sky and redwoods
and hawks and fresh water and salt … and about rituals that connect us
to our oneness with all that is.

All these elements are combined in the stunning emsemble performance/installations that my friends at RedEarth produce… check out their new website!

Never Shout at a Bear

This is the introduction to a true story about a dear friend of mine, Pele Rouge of Resonance, and her profound encounter with a bear while living in the wilderness a few years ago. It’s a fabulous story, written for children, about the wisdom of nature and it’s available now on DVD (the book will be out next year).

The DVD itself is absolutely beautiful, narrated by Pele with music by Gentle Thunder & illustrations by Finnish artist Outi Kuma – I recommend you pick one up for all your beauty-loving friends, but definitely get one for all the children you know because their young hearts & minds, especially, will thrive on nature’s truth, and this will touch them directly.

Pattern of Wholeness


“But all experience of beauty is experience of cosmic wholeness, of harmony. Beauty is microcosmic intuition of macrocosmic reality.”

~ Matthew Fox


I love where I live!
This morning I woke up to an ad in my local paper directing me to a "Mystical Photography‘ blog where one of the paper’s photographers displays his images of the city. Only in San Franscisco.