
Archive for photography – Page 2

Miracle of a Single Flower


"If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change.
~ Buddha

Aspen Medicine, Taos

I have a backlog of Beauty Dialogue posts to write, but this morning I woke up in Taos to find the world covered in snow and suddenly there is only one (click to see her larger)…


Beauty All Around Us

Photography & Everyday Beauty

If you look for it, you can see beauty

curated content from Flickr

Happy Easter all you Peeps

My-peeps It's a little strange posting something so completely silly but somehow this image totally cracked me up – the juxtaposition of the hard guy gansta-rapper and the fluffy little baby chick.

Anyway, Happy Easter, Peeps. I'm off on a rare holiday adventure with my sweetie and my camera … last seen heading towards Point Reyes. 🙂