
Archive for Beth Alexander

Happy Gutenberg Day

Happy Happy Gutenberg Day!  My friend and colleague (and one of my original collaborators in the whole Beauty Dialogues idea) Beth Alexander and I are testing the great and soon to be ubiquitous (pervasive all across sites) Gutenberg – just going right in and activating the plug-in bravely, without any filters or safety nets. Into the fray! What will be, will be!

This is a beautiful flower –
I photographed it with my iPhone on a walk around my very photogenic neighborhood.

Ok. So far, so good. Nothing has broken, it’s all working fine.

Things are going so well that we (me and Beth) have decided to write a poem for Gutenberg:

Gutenberg, Oh Gutenberg
You make me giggle, Gutenberg.
Thank you for not blowing up the site
We appreciate that you certainly might.

Its a stretch for sure.
Things no longer what they were.
But what the heck, let’s ride the wave
Into the wild unknown we brave.

(Please excuse the silliness of this post – it was created as an experiment – a test to see how Gutenberg works in the current beta phase – somehow I forgot I actually have subscribers and that as soon as I pushed the “publish” button y’all were going to get this!)

GiGis in Mill Valley

The GiGis meet again, in Mill Valley this time, to support the world cafe’s emerging online presence.

The GiGis are meeting again, in Mill Valley this time, to nurture and support The World Cafe‘s emerging online presence. As part of our own personal nurturance & support, which we all agree is crucial to our external effectiveness, we created this manada as soon as we woke up this morning…


About the Beauty Dialogues

We were noticing how absolutely beautiful we found a particular tree, or perhaps it was the pattern on the ground made by the sun shining through its leaves that we found so moving…

The Beauty Dialogues came out of a conversation between myself, Ashley Cooper & Beth Alexander during a walk we were taking together during a Spring 2006 Summit of ‘Girl Geeks’ in Seattle.

We were noticing how absolutely beautiful we found a particular tree, or perhaps it was the pattern on the ground made by the sun shining through its leaves that we found so moving…  we started to wonder aloud about what it is that makes some things beautiful in that aching, haunting kind of way… what it is in that particular moment or material that evokes the ‘beauty!’ response in one or another of us.

What is beauty, anyway? Is it different for each person? Or is there some ‘objective’ measurement, like Christopher Alexander’s calibration of the amount & quality of ‘life’ in each element, to what we collectively experience as Beauty? Is it a pleasing surface symmetry, or is it some deeper indication of wholeness and pattern that triggers the awareness of beauty in our midst? What is the ‘essence’ of beauty?

And thus started an inquiry that has already blossomed into a thousand forms, including this blog; a conversation that I hope will continue to meander like a healthy river through our curious minds for some time to come (here’s one of the tributaries).

Something truly remarkable to me about that summit of eight women in Seattle was the way we all see Beauty at the center of our lives and work … this and the passionate belief we share in using the power of technology to enhance the sense of community and connection between people. Beauty in action, if you will. This perspective seems to be a particularly feminine point of view, and feels like something deeply needed in the world right now. It’s a perspective that brings balance and begins to restore wholeness, not only to the way we see and utilize technology, but also to our ability to face and respond to the larger challenge for humanity in today’s world.

And so we wind around to another layer of the conversation… what is our work with Beauty in service to?