
Archive for beauty – Page 11

To Whom are we Beautiful?

I wish I understood the beauty
in leaves falling. 
To whom
are we beautiful
as we go?

~David Ignatow

(cool signature on someone’s email)


"That which causes us to rejoice we call beauty."
~Pavel Florensky

Standing Stones

This stone is from the inner circle of a double ring of standing stones in the Berkeley marina that my friend Christopher Castle turned me on to during a beauty walk the other day.


By the way, this photograph is one of the series of loose images I chose for my final digital photography class project, which you can see displayed on my photoblog… check out the fliptychs I made from photos of the Dresden trip!

This Morning

I awoke this morning to the language of bird song – a new bird to me; its call rich with tonal variation, surprising and fresh against the early sounds of the city, somehow revived me more than the scant few hours of sleep I got.

Yesterday from the train window I noticed lilacs in bloom everywhere – that and oceans of brilliant yellow mustard rolling over the hills like waves.