beauty dialogues :: Beauty Dialogues

Archive for beauty dialogues

Happy Gutenberg Day

Happy Happy Gutenberg Day!  My friend and colleague (and one of my original collaborators in the whole Beauty Dialogues idea) Beth Alexander and I are testing the great and soon to be ubiquitous (pervasive all across WordPress.org sites) Gutenberg – just going right in and activating the plug-in bravely, without any filters or safety nets. Into the fray! What will be, will be!

This is a beautiful flower –
I photographed it with my iPhone on a walk around my very photogenic neighborhood.

Ok. So far, so good. Nothing has broken, it’s all working fine.

Things are going so well that we (me and Beth) have decided to write a poem for Gutenberg:

Gutenberg, Oh Gutenberg
You make me giggle, Gutenberg.
Thank you for not blowing up the site
We appreciate that you certainly might.

Its a stretch for sure.
Things no longer what they were.
But what the heck, let’s ride the wave
Into the wild unknown we brave.

(Please excuse the silliness of this post – it was created as an experiment – a test to see how Gutenberg works in the current beta phase – somehow I forgot I actually have subscribers and that as soon as I pushed the “publish” button y’all were going to get this!)

Social Media & Contact Links


Here are links for contacting me and finding me on various social media.
I welcome inquiries about my work in design and online communication and/or conversation about what you find beautiful.


Phone: +1 (510) 526-2039

Clear Light Communications

Beauty Dialogues

All is Light
Art & the Environment

World Café Blogs

Squidoo Lens on Online Design






Flickr: pipiwildhead

Skype: amysue102

Seesmic: amylenzo


Second Life: Lucida Skytower