
Full Circle

Full Circle is a super-short video about the elements – earth, air, fire and water – and our relationship with them. It was created by the very cool Global Oneness Project and I got it through KarmaTube, brainchild of the fabulously selfless Niphun Mehta. Niphun is the man who started ServiceSpace, one of those great ideas that makes one proud to be a human being.

A film by Global Oneness Project.

Video from KarmaTube


Happy Valentines Day from Me n’ Love Monkey

I woke up this morning and started reading on my ipad, like ya' do, when I noticed a reflection on the screen… out of the corner of my eye I saw my pal Love Monkey in this curious position, and I knew something was up.

At first I thought he might be in trouble, but apparently it was all an elaborate ruse for a Valentine's Day snuggle…

Happy Valentines Day, everyone, from me n' Love Monkey!

The WWW conference

As I prepare to attend this year's Wisdom 2.0 conference in San Francisco week after next, I find myself curious about the possibilities (I still find the name Wisdom 2.0 extremely evocative and I guess I harbor the secret hope of having my mind blown at the conference and discovering hundreds if not thousands of "lost" members of "my tribe").

One of the pioneers of extraordinary gatherings is Richard Saul Wurman, the founder of the TED conference, and apparently that was just the beginning of his ideas for super-human gatherings. His wwwConference in September 2012 paired particularly interesting duos, placed them on a comfortable couch in front of an exclusive audience (tickets were $16,000 – where's that Press Pass when I need it?) and set them loose with each other.

I have to say I'm impressed by Wurman's courage and his faith in the power of conversation. According to Dan Munro in Forbes, the results were truly inspired. I look forward to hearing these conversations myself and hope they will be made available, as one of the great innovations of TED was making those equally expensive presentations available free to the public.

Wurman's new ideas include Prophesy2025 in Spring of 2013, and the multi-generational Geeks and Geezers Summit in the Spring of 2014, which sounds particularly interesting.

Miracle of a Single Flower


"If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change.
~ Buddha