
Archive for Nature – Page 15

Coyote Ridge

These two experiences for a number of reasons. One is that they both gave me the sense of connection and perfection and order that I am associating with beauty in these dialogues, and another because this is one of the groups with which I am pioneering the ‘feminine’ relationship with technology I’ve also spoken about here.

TlgiconLast Friday I spent the morning at a Thought Leader Gathering, where the conversation (started by Richard Barrett, but quickly picked up and expanded by the group), circled around the real possibility of a unified humanity that recognizes itself as one body.

That evening a few of us from the core TLG team convened in a circle around a fire at Coyote Ridge, an incredible spot high in the Santa Cruz mountains, to discuss a new initiative we are launching.

Coyote Ridge is an incredibly beautiful place, perched on the edge of
1000s of acres of wilderness, which you can see misting off into the
furthest distances, 360 degrees around you. The people who steward this
magical land offer restorative Vision Quests there for those who would answer the land’s call to wholeness.

I mention these two experiences for a number of reasons. One is that
they both gave me the sense of connection and perfection and order that
I am associating with beauty in these dialogues, and another because
thse folks are one of the groups with which I am pioneering the ‘feminine’
relationship with technology I’ve also spoken about here.

Both the Thought Leader Gathering and the summit at
Coyote Ridge were gatherings that focus on the elements that go into
creating true relationship, whether face2face or online. Since one of the
‘laws’ that governs our work together is holding beauty at the center
of all we do, we were held not only by the environment of beauty & safety we created at the TLG site and the incredible serenity of the land at Coyote Ridge (which you really have to experience to know fully), but also the deep pleasure of connection to each other and to a vision larger than any of our individual dreams. And that’s saying a lot because this is a group that dreams big!

I look forward to the development of this journey.

Beauty as Wound/Beauty as Healer

What is the wound that Beauty heals?”

At the end of the Beauty Dialogues teleconversation the other night we set the question for the next (and last of this series) session. This time it was a double-sided queory that emerged as we listened for it…

On beauty as both wound and healer; "What is that sadness or nostalgia
we sometimes feel when contemplating Beauty?", "What is it about Beauty
that is able to heal that wound?", or "What is wounded in ourselves and
our cultures that needs the healing power of Beauty?", or, even more
simply, "What is the wound that Beauty heals?".

I held those questions in my awareness as I went out for a walk afterwards with an old friend of mine (this friend is a man who has been deeply wounded recently, having just emerged from a 6 year odyssey in the Australian prison system).

As we walked I saw his pace slow and his breathing deepen again and again as his heart was touched by Beauty – a profusion of rose blooms in a cottage garden (he said he'd seen it earlier and knew he wanted to share it with a woman, as a gift), and then when, climbing to the top of a hill, we saw the Marin headlands way across the bay and the majesty of Mount Tamalpais disappearing into blue fog.

We were talking about the juxtaposition of Truth and Beauty. I started thinking about the two of them being very powerful together. How Truth has to do with the head, and how its clarity can heal the wounds of the intellect, while Beauty is of the heart and has the capacity to heal us emotionally.

Beauty is that part of the feminine principle that connects us to one another… the homebuilder who draws a circle around us and our environment and fills it with comfort and beauty, the caregiver that loves us and wants to bring us pleasure and delight. When we are in her presence we open up, our chest expands in a sense of appreciation or even awe.

When we experience something of profound Beauty in the presence of others there is often an incredible sense of unity that characterizes that shared collective moment. It's almost that in the collective apprehension of beauty is a semi-conscious recognition that we are each, in our essence, beings capable of awe and wonder. And to have that capacity as a fundamental core trait is so wonderful that sometimes its blessing helps us regain faith in ourselves. Just for that moment it makes us whole, perhaps even heals the part of us that feels separate and alienated, or helpless in the face of despair…

This is obviously an ongoing queory, and we'll be talking about it more in the next online Beauty Dialogue, but I'd be curious about your response to these early musings … any thoughts to share on this idea of Beauty as wound or healer?

Cactus Flower

Something remarkable occured on the corner of San Jose and Santa Clara Avenues a few days ago – a miraculous pairing of opposites in the blooming of the Trichocereus spachianus cactus…

Cactusflower_1 Something remarkable occured on the corner of San Jose and Santa Clara Avenues a few days ago…

A miraculous pairing of opposites! It
was a vision of the most delicate beauty, dancing lightly upon the most
vehemently protected and sturdy base imaginable… the flowering of the
Trichocereus spachianus, which I imagine from its name is connected
somehow to the utterly exquisite night-blooming cereus of Hawaii.

I take a walk through my neighborhood every morning, and watched as
the bizarre-looking buds began to appear on the sides of these prickly
fellows. It seemed at first as through an alien had landed, but as she
began to slowly open her robes, an altogether different vision took
shape before my eyes.

The first shy tentative newcomers were soon pressed back by the
sheer profusion of gorgeousness, and more and more of these blooms
unfurled each day. Even though they only lasted a day or so, it seemed
the parade would go on forever…

If the visual spectacle alone wasn’t enough to transform everything
within a three mile radius into pure bliss, the center of the flower
(which is a huge attractor to bees, another ‘plus’ in its favor) emanates a scent that seems as if it is the nectar of enlightenment,
it’s that sweet, that elusive, that ultimately complete and satisfying.

Everyone who came to visit me for the whole period of blooming, no
matter what time of the day or night, had to be dragged off to view
this Beauty, and no one complained once they got there.

About the Beauty Dialogues

We were noticing how absolutely beautiful we found a particular tree, or perhaps it was the pattern on the ground made by the sun shining through its leaves that we found so moving…

The Beauty Dialogues came out of a conversation between myself, Ashley Cooper & Beth Alexander during a walk we were taking together during a Spring 2006 Summit of ‘Girl Geeks’ in Seattle.

We were noticing how absolutely beautiful we found a particular tree, or perhaps it was the pattern on the ground made by the sun shining through its leaves that we found so moving…  we started to wonder aloud about what it is that makes some things beautiful in that aching, haunting kind of way… what it is in that particular moment or material that evokes the ‘beauty!’ response in one or another of us.

What is beauty, anyway? Is it different for each person? Or is there some ‘objective’ measurement, like Christopher Alexander’s calibration of the amount & quality of ‘life’ in each element, to what we collectively experience as Beauty? Is it a pleasing surface symmetry, or is it some deeper indication of wholeness and pattern that triggers the awareness of beauty in our midst? What is the ‘essence’ of beauty?

And thus started an inquiry that has already blossomed into a thousand forms, including this blog; a conversation that I hope will continue to meander like a healthy river through our curious minds for some time to come (here’s one of the tributaries).

Something truly remarkable to me about that summit of eight women in Seattle was the way we all see Beauty at the center of our lives and work … this and the passionate belief we share in using the power of technology to enhance the sense of community and connection between people. Beauty in action, if you will. This perspective seems to be a particularly feminine point of view, and feels like something deeply needed in the world right now. It’s a perspective that brings balance and begins to restore wholeness, not only to the way we see and utilize technology, but also to our ability to face and respond to the larger challenge for humanity in today’s world.

And so we wind around to another layer of the conversation… what is our work with Beauty in service to?