
Archive for Dialogue – Page 4

Rituals for Healthy Living


My friend Ashley Cooper, who is Easily Amazed and one of the co-founders of the Beauty Dialogues, has been working on something really interesting lately. In a true expression of "slow community" she sent out an invitation to everyone she knew, asking us to share our practices or rituals for creating balance and well-being in our lives. She got zillions of fabulous responses, and published them in a blog called Rituals for Healthy Living.

And the question is still open! What are the rituals YOU use to bring health and vitality and joy and balance to YOUR life? Send them to Ashley and she’ll add them to her growing list of positive ways to support Life in and around us.

BlogHer – Day Three: OpenSpace

Kaliya Hamlin, aka Identity Women, has made a name for herself in convening OpenSpace for barcamps, unconferences and other tech events, and she’s our host for today, the last meeting of BlogHer08. The OpenSpace format is very effective for facilitating group interaction, and it’s a great way to bring together all the great variety of people, skills and interests present at this conference.

This is obviously a group familiar with OpenSpace, because the line starts immediately with people announcing suggested topics. There are a lot of them too: "sex", "writing for an organization & voice",  "starting a blog", "organizing your blog", "virtual reality & second life", "slow blogging", "’how to’ tech workshop", "using twitter and other social media", "beyond writing", "video blogging", just to start. The agenda is open & will be "live" all day, so the list will no doubt grow!

Now all I have to do is figure out which one to go to …

Welcome to the Beauty Dialogues!

The Beauty Dialogues is here to illuminate the beauty of this world – not just the beauty of form, but also the patterns of essential wholeness that go beyond the visible.

Wholeness dissolves the illusion that life and work are separate so sometimes I write about design and the language of online communications, but it’s always about what, to me, life looks like through a beauty-lens.

World Café in Second Life

As promised – here’s a link to my story of the Second Life World Café I hosted with Michelle Paradis, David Sibbet of Grove International, Nancy White, and Sherry Reson of the Rockridge Institute