
Archive for Art – Page 11

Solstice 07


I just returned from a Solstice celebration held in a redwood forest in the Santa Cruz mountains. This ceremony and its ‘Dreaming’ counterpart held in the middle of winter have become necessary bookmarks in my year, rituals of integration and relationship that bring wholeness and balance to the busi-ness of my life.

One of my favorites moments in this pattern cycle is the night we dance a prayer dance in a medicine wheel built into a meadow, surrounded by redwoods and anchored by a mother tree that must be at least 600 years old. People have been dancing to the Tree of Life for millenia and you can feel a sense of eternity and timelessness that comes like grace as we dance around the delicate Oklahoma Redbud, our ‘tree of life’,  hour after hour.

Leg muscles powered by the relentless beat of a large hand made buffalo skin drum (and the energy of the rotating team of drummers that keep this beat alive), the dancers alternately rush to the center and ebb back to the perimeter, again and again. Running forward with outstretched hands, raising our eagle feathers to bless the tree that stands in the center representing Life, we offer our gratitude for the gifts she’s given us all year. Then we dance back in equal rhythm, gratefully receiving life’s bounty and drawing it deep into our own centers, again and again.

When the drums have stopped and we’ve finished dancing, those who want to stay pull a circle of chairs close around the tree … She’s lit from below by a thousand candles encircling her base, long white ribbons that decorate her branches dancing in the night wind. We sit in long silence as the stars and moon move above us and the night whispers its secrets to the trees. I drink this endless moment like water in the desert, stillness pouring into my body like holy communion wine.

My deep gratitude to my companions on this prayer dance journey, and to the hosts and conveners of this beauty: FireHawk and Pele at Resonance and their partners Bill & Marilyn Veltrop at Infinite Games and Craig and Patricia Neal of Heartland Circle.

My Neighbor’s Garden

My retired neighbor Grover’s house on the corner is graced by an abundant vegetable garden. This modest city-sized plot is a scene of endless transformation as he rotates his beds, alternately unloading bags of composted manure, tilling nutrients into the soil, planting seeds, and harvesting their fruit. What an invaluable community resource for gardeners, beauty-lovers, and all those children (and adults!) who don’t yet know the miracle of where food comes from.

Here’s what captured my eye in Grover’s garden on this morning’s beauty walk:


Sacred & the Mundane

I was suffering with a bad hair day-after-a-haircut when a friend took pity on me and brought me to a small salon in Mill Valley she’d just discovered, run by two beautiful women who she thought might be able to help.

Their salon was as beautiful as they were, and quirky. Named ‘Sacred’ it was all fresh flowers and icons and prayer cards amidst ornate French ironwork, country wood floors and comfortable chairs. There was a waiting room with a plump couch and magazines, fresh lemons in the ice water and a plate of fancy chocolates.

My mood began to improve immediately…

Even though we didn’t have an appointment, they were very happy to see us. Michelle was free and said she’d be happy to
see what she could do for me. When we asked, she said she wouldn’t
charge – just ‘see what she could do’.

So I sat down and first she just
held my head in her hands for a moment, looking in the mirror at the situation. Then she thanked me for trusting her
with my hair…

Not only was that one of the most wonderfully affirming and completely
relaxing welcomes I’ve ever received in a hair salon, she was an excellent at her craft and
in a few snips worked a miracle with my hair.

I believe I’ve finally found my ideal hair cutter… Which is great because I’ve been searching for her for several years now. It’s amazing to me how these simple things – beauty, kindness, generosity – make all the difference in the world.

Standing Stones

This stone is from the inner circle of a double ring of standing stones in the Berkeley marina that my friend Christopher Castle turned me on to during a beauty walk the other day.


By the way, this photograph is one of the series of loose images I chose for my final digital photography class project, which you can see displayed on my photoblog… check out the fliptychs I made from photos of the Dresden trip!